On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Nick Holland <n...@holland-consulting.net>

> On 08/23/14 10:30, Gregory Edigarov wrote:
> > Hello Everybody.
> >
> > Before anything I want to say big thanks to the developers of OpenBSD,
> > for maintaining it. After some ~10 years of being the loyal OpenBSD
> > user, I never had any problem with OpenBSD itself, besides may be 2 or
> > three times.
> > It is impressive. Every other system I use gives problems from time to
> > time, so I am thanking you, guys, every time I type a command.
> >
> > Now onto the bitter part. For some reason, since, may be, AFAIR 5.2
> > times, I do not see any browser that is working flawlessly under our
> > loved system.
> > Everything is happened on the same set of sites I use routinely everyday.
> >
> > I tried:
> > Firefox - bad, bad, bad. It fails 1000 times a day.
> On your machine, firefox couldn't be restarted 1000 times a day.
> (ok, not sure where my sense if irony is today...)
> ...
> > dmesg follows:
> > OpenBSD 5.6-current (GENERIC.MP) #340: Fri Aug 22 15:06:09 MDT 2014
> > dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
> > real mem = 1568260096 (1495MB)
> > avail mem = 1517772800 (1447MB)
> ...
> > cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
> > cpu0: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G530 @ 2.40GHz, 2394.94 MHz
> ok, how do I put this nicely...
> To run a modern browser, you need a modern computer.  1.5GB RAM and a
> celeron processor doesn't cut it.
> NOW, that doesn't cause CRASHES, but when you fix the crashes by
> cranking up your login.conf specs, you will be so far into swap you will
> wish your browser crashed.
> Modern browsers leak memory like everyone has 16GB and a quad-core proc,
> AND restarts their browser several times a day.  Look at those same
> browsers on Windows (their target market), you see the same thing. The
> difference is, OpenBSD kicks out programs that exceed predefined limits,
> that's what you are most likely seeing.
> But most likely, login.conf will fix your crash problem, as I use
> firefox, Chromium and Thunderbird on my amd64 system (three-core, 4G
> RAM), and usually get a week or two uptime between shutdowns (because of
> hitting RAM limits).
> Nick.


That is your problem...memory You will definitely see better performance
with more memory. I use Pentium G2020 with 8GB of memory and the
performance is good for browsing/occasional video with daily restart. Tweak
the follwoing variables in /etc/login.conf

datasize-max === 3G
datasize-cur   === 2G

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