(stalls for more than fifteen minutes while the disks are very busy
doing something on the laptop. ps wwaux doesn't show anything that
catches my eye, just the normal stuff, with the cvs command and the
ssh session associated with it.)On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:40 PM, Joel
Rees <joel.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for all the answers. Particularly this:
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Benjamin Baier <program...@netzbasis.de> 
> wrote:
>> Here are the newest numbers i can provide for a full build from source.
>> /usr/src >900MB
>> /usr/xenocara >700MB
>> /usr/obj >900MB
>> /usr/xobj >500MB
>> /usr/ports >600MB
>> /usr/ports/pobj can't be big enought...
> I decided to wipe the repositories, reformat the partitions with more
> inodes, and start over. This time, I planned to just try the patch
> approach. Thought I had planned to, anyway.
> Gave the src and xenocara partition double the inodes (newfs -i 4096,
> since the default was 8192), and the ports quadruple the inodes (newfs
> i- 2048). Forgot to try the populate flag, maybe next time, removed
> the contents of the xenocara directory on /usr so I wouldn't be
> locking stuff under the mount. Re-pre-populated all three with the
> tarballs. And I decided that I might as well update /usr/src, since
> that seemed to go okay before.
> export CVSROOT=anon...@anoncvs.au.openbsd.org
> sudo cvs -d$CVSROOT co -P src
> So much for my plan to try using patches. But that went okay, and I
> decided, since I had ended up starting down the path for -current, to
> keep going with the extra inodes and see what would happen.
> /usr/ports runs to xmris/scripts, then stalls. And I get the broken pipe.
> df -ih show me to only be using 45% of the partition and 27% of the
> inodes. So I tried
> sudo cvs -d$CVSROOT co -P ports/xmris
> That goes through to xmris/scripts and returns with no errors. But
> there is no ports/xmris directory.
> Just to try something stupid, I tried
> sudo mkdir ports/xmris; ls -ld ports/x*
> and tried again to co ports/xmris, but the result was xmris being deleted 
> again.
> I'll try the co on ports again from a ssh session so I can capture the
> broken pipe message.
> [...]

cvs server: Updating ports/xmris/scripts

^Ccvs [checkout aborted]: received interrupt signal
$ Killed by signal 2.
$ sudo cvs -d$CVSROOT co -P ports
$ date
Mon Aug 18 19:09:34 JST 2014
$ sudo cvs -d$CVSROOT co -P ports
cvs server: Updating ports
cvs server: Updating ports/x11/yeahlaunch/pkg
cvs server: Updating ports/xmris
cvs server: Updating ports/xmris/files
cvs server: Updating ports/xmris/patches
cvs server: Updating ports/xmris/pkg
cvs server: Updating ports/xmris/scripts
(stalls here for more than fifteen minutes while the disks are very
busy doing something on the laptop. ps wwaux doesn't show anything
that catches my eye, just the normal stuff, with the cvs command and
the ssh session associated with it. Finally, it looks like it times
Write failed: Broken pipe
$ df -hi
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity iused   ifree  %iused  Mounted on
/dev/wd0a      662M   42.8M    586M     7%    1866  106292     2%   /
/dev/wd0k      3.9G    293M    3.5G     8%      44  545618     0%   /home
/dev/wd0d      1.0G    8.0K   1001M     0%       5  155897     0%   /tmp
/dev/wd0f      1.4G    343M    1.0G    25%   13554  194316     7%   /usr
/dev/wd0g      853M    179M    631M    22%    9099  120819     7%   /usr/X11R6
/dev/wd0h      3.1G   42.0M    2.9G     1%    2797  412945     1%   /usr/local
/dev/wd0j      1.7G    2.0K    1.6G     0%       1  475901     0%   /usr/obj
/dev/wd0i      1.2G    734M    424M    63%   76229  269881    22%   /usr/src
/dev/wd0l      953M    348M    557M    38%  126276  456634    22%   /usr/ports
/dev/wd0e      1.6G    8.9M    1.5G     1%     657  233197     0%   /var
/dev/wd0m      984M    593M    342M    63%   28770  274076     9%

Any suggestions? Different cvs mirror, maybe?

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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