On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Norman Gray <nor...@astro.gla.ac.uk> wrote:

> Greetings.
> Some way up this thread, I said:
> On 2014 Aug 14, at 11:21, Norman Gray <nor...@astro.gla.ac.uk> wrote:
> > On 2014 Aug 14, at 01:10, Worik Stanton <worik.stan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Suggestion:  Package the release notes, FAQ and some other documentation
> >> into a PDF and sell that at the same price as the CD, from the same
> >> place.  I'd buy that.  It would be better quality than the (often) crap
> >> O'Reilly sell, and I buy that.
> >
> > This is potentially quite a good idea.
> >
> > The T-shirts and CDs exist because (a) some people find them useful in
> themselves, and (b) some people prefer or find it more convenient to buy a
> physical thing they don't intend to use, as a means of making an indirect
> donation to the project.  This of course is discussed at length in the rest
> of this thread.
> >
> > There's precedent for such a physical book being sellable.  The Python
> Reference Manual [1] is a dead-tree version of the language and library
> description also available for free at [2].  There's clearly some story
> about the various reasons why people buy that, but it's clear that at least
> some do.  I have considered doing so myself -- a paper document is superior
> to an on-screen one in some circumstances -- but in the end found it more
> convenient to print out selected sections of the downloaded PDF.
> >
> > Places like lulu.com will put a PDF on paper for you and sell/ship the
> result.  I've no idea of the economic details of that, or alternatives to
> lulu, but such services do exist.
> >
> > I'm not making any promises here, but given mild encouragement I'd be
> very willing to take a look at how complicated it would be to turn the
> existing text or texts into a readable PDF (I've done this sort of thing
> before, and could probably do it fairly efficiently).
> After posting that, I received some ... non-discouragement off-list,
> and that's enough for me.
> At <http://nxg.me.uk/temp/openbsd-faq-suggestion/> you will find,
> for your delectation and delight:
>   * A PDF of sections 1--5 of the FAQ;
>   * An HTML version of this;
>   * A tarball containing the source of the scripts which generate these
>   from XML originals.
> The idea of the PDF is that it's something which could potentially
> be sold on dead trees (which might be useful/attractive for the
> reasons above).
> To do this, I took the HTML versions of the FAQ sections, and
> normalised them into regular XHTML (which makes them processable
> into other forms).  With that done, it was straightforward to
> transform the result into both HTML for presentation, and into LaTeX
> for further transformation into PDF.  This depends on the xsltproc
> package, and obviously on LaTeX.
> The HTML target does things like adding in consistent structuring,
> generating tables of contents, ensuring that internal cross-references
> are consistent, and so on.  The results should be identical in content,
> and pretty similar in appearance, to the online versions.
> The normalisation of the contents consisted in large part of
> regularising away various bits of cruft used for layout (for example
> <blockquote> and <table> elements (eek!) around <pre>, which are
> fiddly to manage and are inevitably inconsistent across the document),
> making "..." and '...' consistent, and a couple of other things
> discussed in the README in the tarball.  The README also contains
> some notes on the lightweight structuring added to the source files.
> It would be pretty straightforward to generate a .txt FAQ from these
> same sources (via *roff).
> The results here aren't very pretty -- and obviously I've only done
> the first five sections -- but they're respectable and should show
> the idea.
> Even if the PDF idea isn't taken up, this is potentially an alternative
> way to generate the HTML files, in contrast to hand-editing
> disconnected .html files.
> I like the idea of the 'Good Idea Fairy'!  This one comes with product.
> Best wishes,
> Norman
> --
> Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk
> SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK
in the glorious third millemium are usb key as cheap as cd printing ?

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