On 13/08/14 22:13, Eric Furman wrote: [snip]> > The most absolutely best way any one can contribute to OBSD > is to BUY CD'S. Buy some cd's and then buy some more. > Buy them for the stickers. Buy them because they fund OBSD. > Without cd sales OBSD would cease to exist. > It is as simple as that. So, BUY CD'S! > That is worth repeating; > Without CD sales OpenBSD will cease to exist. PERIOD. > Contrary to what a lot of you assholes think
I would rather have a 5.5 T'shirt. I am new and when I am ready I will be back here asking questions but for now, I do not want a CD (totally useless to me) but a T'shirt would be cool. It would cover my nakedness. Looking on http://www.openbsd.org/tshirts.html I can see no 5.5 T'shirt. Actually given that today I am at home because of snow on the Lieth Saddle a 5.5 merino hoodie would be best. It would cover my nakedness and keep me warm(er) > NOTHING IS FOR FREE. yea Worik -- Why is the legal status of chardonnay different to that of cannabis? worik.stan...@gmail.com 021-1680650, (03) 4821804 Aotearoa (New Zealand) [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had a name of signature.asc]