If so just not use the fake-raid, disable it, and use soft-raid from BSD.

    If used soft-raid from BSD, does it consume more RAM or processing
functions etc?

    I will have to use this server for PF , OpenVPN , Squid, Postfix or
Sendmail and  Apache etc..

> Therfore I can't beleive HP proliant series use a fake-raid....

    this is HP ProLiant DL320e Gen8 Url


> Mine is a quite recent model DL380G5 but has a real hardware RAID 6 (I am
> writing this mail from this server).
> As mine you may have to enter into RAID carte separate BIOS than the
> mother board BIOS to activate disks & setup RAID-levels
> maybe you missed that step or exited without saving setup.
> Hmm,  I will look in to it.

cat /etc/motd

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya
http://www.siyabas.lk/sinhala_how_to_install.html   -  Download Sinhala

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