On 08/07/14 05:13, Stefan Wollny wrote: > Hi! > > There is a litte yet confusing typo in FAQ section 14.21.5 on softraid > crypto: > > Setting the volume up refers to '/dev/sd0m' while "unlocking" this > volume is described with reference to '/dev/sd1m'. Most likely this typo > sneaked in as in this example the volume attaches as 'sd1'... > > (Even though the advice in FAQ-4.9 "blindly typing commands in you don't > understand is a really bad idea" applies here as well the description in > 14.21.5 should be corrected.) > > Cheers, > STEFAN >
That was fixed yesterday evening. (Got your message before, made the change, forgot to commit it, and it went in with a bunch of other unrelated changes yesterday eveining) Why nick@ stays away from src/... Nick.