On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 7:06 AM, Ed Hynan <eh_l...@optonline.net> wrote:

> Saturday morning, saw this in /var/log/messages:
> "Aug  2 08:29:12 lucy su: default: setting resource limit openfiles:
> Invalid argument"

That indicates that the requested -cur value was greater than the requested
-max value, if any, or the current -max value if no change to the max was

> That's from /etc/weekly, which uses 'su -m nobody' for locate db update
> on line 52. The log message can be produced by hand with, e.g.:
> # echo /bin/echo FOO | SHELL=/bin/sh nice -5 su -m nobody
> invoked by root.

Hmm, I'm unable to reproduce that on my 5.6 system.  Compare the output of
ulimit -nH and the openfiles-cur value in the login.conf.  On my system,
the normal hard (i.e., -max) limit is 1024; is that not the case on yours?
 If so, where is the smaller value coming from?  The root .profile?  Some
other system config file?  Inherited from a lower limit on your personal
account when you su'ed to root?

> BTW, I jumped from 4.9 to 5.5 so the 4.9 login.conf is the most
> recent I have handy. The 4.9 login.conf likewise has only
> openfiles-cur in default:, but I don't think I've seen that log
> message before. Some verbosity recently added?

The setrlimit() syscall was changed to comply with POSIX and return an
error instead of (iirc) silently clamping the soft limit to the hard limit.

Philip Guenther

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