On 04-08-2014 11:11, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> previously on this list Giancarlo Razzolini contributed:
>> I don't see anything new about this attack. The theory behind
>> it was invented with USB itself.
> I haven't looked into it but thought it might have something to do with
> "On the Go" but I guess not then.
A simple search of "usb flash drive atack" will yield a lot of results,
some many years old. Many exploiting windows autorun feature. You can
even reprogram your flash drive with another's firmware. There are even
some russian websites on the matter with lots of firmwares and tools to
modify your device:


Perhaps the only thing "new" about this badusd is the rogue keyboard
emulation. I might be wrong. But it's nothing like they only now
discovered an usb protocol vulnerability. Let's just wait their blackhat
presentation, when they will allegedly release the poc's.


Giancarlo Razzolini
GPG: 4096R/77B981BC

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