Following up on this thread given the mention it got in the recent
unbound question:

On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 08:04:32PM +0200, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
> # the stub zones I want to resolve via nsd on localhost
> stub-zone:
>         name: "ds9"
>         stub-addr:
> stub-zone:
>         name: ""
>         stub-addr:

My first reaction was that the first zone had no terminating "." while
the one had it. Not sure this makes a difference, just
thought i should point it out.

> However, after a reboot of the box, reverse lookup
> of any of the configured 10.0.0.X addresses fails. When I
> restart unbound, then it just works as expected.

This indeed looks strange, could you retry this using dig(1) instead of
nslookup? I am not comfortable with that tool and it's use is
discouraged because it can end up doing funky things (see

> I have about 30 hosts in that reverse zone configured. The more
> often I restart unbound, the better it gets with returning results.
> However, when I reboot the machine, then other lookups that
> worked before might fail, and vice versa, others may work, I cannot
> see a pattern. 

I agree this sounds very strange.

> Looking at the unbound logs, I see a large amounts of trying
> to connect to NSD, and it also gets answers of type THROWAWAY,
> until unbound then decides to ask the root servers.

Could you share some of those logs? Using ktrace(1) might also be
useful for investigating what is going on (difference in working and not
working lookup for example).

> Is maybe my box (soekris net5501) too slow, so that NSD doesn't answer fast 
> enough? Then, after some restarts of unbound, and queries to NSD, then
> NSD has all in memory and then it just works? But then I don't understand
> why it works without flaws for the forward zone, and also the IPv6 zone?

Seems far fetched to me.

Patrik Lundin

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