Hi, all . this is a method to make clone USB larger size than original .
1) use linux (because openbsd fdisk is hard to use) by fdisk , make /dev/sdb4 Id:a6 2)then use 'openbsd5.5 install CD disk' for <<installboot>> on installing OpenBSD use OpenBSD area <- 1) mount point / (because original USB has a and b only) install bsd, bsd.rd, base55 only 3)then openbsd runninng machine, # mkdir /mnt0 # mkdir /mnt1 # mount /dev/sd0a /mnt0 <- / partition # mount /dev/sd1a /mnt <- / partition # (cd /mnt0; tar cvpf - .)|(cd /mnt1 ; tar xpf -) #umount /mnt0 => cannot #umount /mnt1 => cannot so halt openbsd machine , 4)then goto linux machine fdisk /dev/sdb make bootable flag on sdb4 ( if 1) has this priicedure , this may be needless ) --- this method is perhaps effective to smaller USB clone , or USB to Hard disk clone and so so . --- tuyosi