On 2014-07-22, Matthew Weigel <uni...@idempot.net> wrote:
> I finally upgraded my last machine - that runs ldapd(8) for user
> logins, mail aliases, and a few other odds and ends - from 5.4 to 5.5.

Haha! I just did the same two days ago.

> I'm left wondering if I'm the only one who actually uses the stock
> ldapd(8), because it is not called out at all in upgrade55.html as
> having problems with the Year 2038 fixes that went into 5.5.

No, I'm here.

> I ended up having to create a 5.4 VM (I stuck with the same amd64 arch
> as my actual server, and have not investigated or tested under what
> constraints this might work across architectures) to load the ldapd(8)
> database files, use third party LDAP tools to create a text dump in
> LDIF format, and then load the LDIF into an empty database of 5.5
> ldapd(8).

I'm currently trying to cobble together a binary importer which reads
5.4 dbs, and writes them as 5.5 dbs. It's a bit ugly, based on
frankensteined code from ldapd and ldapctl. I haven't found a straight
way to write back into a file, so I'm trying go down the compacting way,
which appears to be rewriting an entirely new database.

Hopefully, it should work in the end.

I thought about the VM/dump option, but all I could find was for slapd
(using slapcat). Could you give more details on the tools you use?

> It looks like particularly the btree_stat and btree_meta structs used
> in the ldapd(8) btree implementation are the culprits, as it looks like
> they are the only time_t bits actually stored on disk.  Since it
> appears my problems are now solved, I'm mostly sending this message as
> a heads up in case there is anyone still getting ready to upgrade to
> 5.5 that uses ldapd(8).

I think only the btree_meta is relevant, as I don't see the btree_stat
being written on disk.

Olivier Mehani <sht...@ssji.net>
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