On 22.07.2014 17:55, Philip Guenther wrote:

>> OpenBSD gaia 5.5 GENERIC.MP#126 amd64
> That's not the 5.5 release.  The 5.5 release GENERIC.MP for amd64 had a
> banner of:
>     OpenBSD 5.5 (GENERIC.MP) #315: Wed Mar  5 09:37:46 MST 2014
> so the build number is clearly off.
> You have libc.so.75.0?  That was only present for about a month starting in
> mid May.  You've installed a snapshot of -current that's something between
> a month and 3 months old and *not* the 5.5 release.  You'll have a hard
> time finding packages that match that, so you should reinstall with the
> correct release files.

Thanks Philip for your fast reply,
that explains a lot - a colleague of gave me the install disk, claiming
it to be the 5.5-Release.
*sigh* - if you want something done right ...

again many thanks.


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