Em 13-07-2014 18:51, frantisek holop escreveu:
> hmm, on Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 04:42:36PM -0500, frcc said that
>>       Wouldn't "ILO" technology which is standard on hp or ibm
>> commercial server's
>>       do the trick ?
> if i had those big brand servers then yes :)
> -f

A simple search for "remote access pci card" yield a lot of results.
I've started looking at the boot/kernel code to be able to provide an
early (pre boot) remote access for unlocking crypto disks on OpenBSD "a
la" Linux + initramfs + dropbear. But never had the time to really dig
into it. I know that there is need for lots of code to do this. Perhaps
there isn't even a way to securely do that and have base quality code.
As for the card, there are plenty of options.


Giancarlo Razzolini
GPG: 4096R/77B981BC

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