On 07/13/14 00:57, Артур Истомин wrote:
> Good day!
> http://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.shar is reliable source for setup anoncvs
> for my own use? There have been some problems with cvs lately in tech
> list.

yes, the problems were with cvsync, which is often used to replicate the
mirror itself, and if you are running -current (as of, well, now) on a
platform with a fast build time, you should be good.


Some of the anoncvs servers have some pretty darned good performance --
the benefits of a local CVS repository can be minimal.  I do this myself
-- use a mirror I run rather than a local copy.  If your repository is
on an SSD, yes, you will have better local performance.  If your
respository is on a traditional disk, you may be wasting effort for
lower performance than some repositories with SSD repo and mfs /tmp dirs.

Also, if you are running your own local copy for just your use (i.e.,
not exposed to the public internet) rather than setting up a complete
anoncvs mirror with chrooting and all, you may be just as or more happy
with key-based (so you don't have to enter a PW) normal user access to a
repository (the chrooting makes upgrades a little more "exciting" than
they need be), or if you are developing on the same machine as your
repository, just cvsync/rsync the entire repository to /cvs, and access
it without ssh at all.


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