12.07.2014 2:17 пользователь "Stan Gammons"
<s_gamm...@charter.net> написал:
> I downloaded install55.iso dated July 11, 2014 from ftp.openbsd.org this
afternoon and after a new install I tried to install kde4 using the
snapshot packages from the same site which are dated July 8, 2014. In doing
so I get can't resolve errors on glib2-2.40.0p7 and python-2.7.7 which
causes lots of other errors due to the dependency on these packages.   Is
the older snapshot of the packages the problem or is something else wrong?

It's just a consistency problem, packages and base sets are not built at
the same time (and sometimes with the same base code, ever). Even more,
currently there is a hackathon going on, so things get out of sync easily.
Your options are:

1) Wait for about a week.

2) Get & update ports tree, then run "dpb x11/kde4" (or whatever) to get a
consistent set of packages.

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