* Gustav Fransson Nyvell <gus...@nyvell.se> [2014-07-06 15:25]:
> Of course, I'm looking for
> problems in imsg, now... sorry.

no, you're missing the point entirely and have been misguided by

what you are apparently after is what is usually called a message
bus/queue. reliable message delivery to n clients. imsg is not that,
imsg is for IPC between two processes. 1:1, no storage, if the listener
isn't there -> tough shit.

with the horrible MQ implementations out there this might not even be
one of the more ridiculous ones. which by no means is any blessing, it
just means the entire area is a collection of poo.

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services GmbH, http://bsws.de, Full-Service ISP
Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS. Virtual & Dedicated Servers, Root to Fully Managed
Henning Brauer Consulting, http://henningbrauer.com/

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