On 07/04/14 21:37, Jonathan Thornburg wrote:
In message <http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=140423832428907&w=1>,
I wrote:
| Has anyone gotten OpenMP to work on 5.5-{release,stable}/amd64?
| 'man gcc' and /usr/local/info/gcc.info both describe gcc support for
| OpenMP (the -fopenmp compiler flag), but I'm getting fatal errors
| (either missing compiler spec file or missing "omp.h" header file)
| trying to compile even the simplest "hello, world" OpenMP programs
| with gcc (either base /usr/bin/gcc or ports /usr/local/bin/gcc).

In message<http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=140423912429329&w=1>,
you replied, quoting my message and adding the single word
Could you clarify which of the two different(-but-related) questions
I asked you were answering?  Have you gotten OpenMP to work on OpenBSD?
If so, how?

thanks, ciao,

Hello there.

Well, I read from your e-mail that you did not compile it. However, I'm sure it can be done if you just work at it. Though you're on the right path, I would just continue if you can keep the focus and have the resources, which I see that you have.

Good luck!


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