On 2014-06-28, Kenneth Westerback <kwesterb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28 June 2014 13:55, frank ernest <do...@mail.com> wrote:
>> Hello, I'm ballsystemlord from the Opensuse forums and I've been reading
>> a lot about how systemd is unportable, even for use with some linux
>> programs and the systemd devs are not concerned about it. I, as a single
>> person, can't possibly hope to maintain the old sysVinit system and also
>> systemd is a dameon controlling process, not restricted to only boot. A
>> usr of bsd showed up
>> http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/498290-systemd/page4 mentioning
>> that bsd is being crowded out, a thought that had not crossed my mind. I
>> wanted to know, before assuming that it is the case everywhere, do people
>> really not like systemd and is it really hurting bsd? If so, I'd be
>> interested in doing something about it. Thanks, David
> Yep, people really do not like systemd.

Even a significant number of Linux users I've talked to about it really
don't like systemd.

Just looking at the pid 1 part and ignoring the rest, there are way too
many tentacles (library dependencies on SELinux, TCP Wrappers, dbus, PAM!)...

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