Hello, I am currently trying to install OpenBSD 5.5 on a usb stick, and didn't manage to connect to the internet (to download file sets).
Neither dhcp works. I tried to configure the interface manually, but the ethernet interface seems to still be sleeping. I used this command : ifconfig jme0 inet If it can help, here is an extract from the `dmesg` command (written by hand, sorry) jme0 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "JMicron JMC250" rev 0x05; msi, address 00:90:f5:bc:7b:56 jmphy0 at jme0 phy 1: JMP211 10/100/1000 PHY, rev.1 The command ifconfig detect 2 interfaces : jme0 and vlan0 (wifi I guess?) Do you have any suggestion to make this ethernet working? All my apologize for my bad english and beginner questions. Regards, -- Thuban PubKey : http://yeuxdelibad.net/Divers/thuban.pub KeyID : 0x54CD2F2F [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had a name of signature.asc]