----- Original Nachricht ----
Von:     InterNetX - Robert Garrett <robert.garr...@internetx.com>
An:      misc@openbsd.org
Datum:   12.06.2014 17:45
Betreff: Re: Vision 2020: Making OpenBSD the world's fastest OS

> Hash: SHA1
> If this does not return something, your configuration is broken. period.
> this one little thing, that so many people ignore, slows down
> everything.. even if you have dns properly configured. Set the hosts
> file on your machine properly.
> You will be surprised at how much faster it boots, and everything else
> runs. This is true on all forms of unix.

My mistake--to send the mails I had been connected to internet. The name in 
/etc/myname is only vaild in the local net. When I change the network 
connection the output of

getent hosts `hostname`

is of the form

<IP address>     <hostname.domainname>

So everything seems to be ok...


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