On 2014-06-02, consultor <consul...@openmailbox.org> wrote:
> Hello list
> Could somebody please tell me if i should be worry for:
> - - [01/Jun/2014:08:32:14 -0700] "GET
> http://24x7-allrequestsallowed.com/?PHPSESSID=1rxsxtj500143SVM%5CRH%40%40BZPU
> HTTP/1.1" 200 1723
> The answer was 200. Running 5.5 Release.
> Thanks all.
> francisco.

Looks like someone scanning for open proxies. You'll find all sorts
of probe attempts in web server access logs; the most common targets in
my logs are open proxies and misconfigured or buggy versions of
phpMyAdmin and wordpress, though of course you need to consider the
security of anything you run that's open to the world.

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