On 2014-05-30 12:41, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote: 

> From my
experience, if you have an asymmetric link, where your download
rate is bigger than your upload rate, you can see benefits in putting
hfsc in front of it. And, the most benefit seems to be on the upload
side. There are some factors that weigh in, such as router buffers and
network congestion outside of your own network. Speaking of such, I
> recently the Codel spec: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoDel, I
> know if it really helps the bufferbloat problem, but this is
> matter entirely, perhaps Henning could explain better, even if
it should
> or not be put into pf.
> Now, when you have a symmetric
link with enough bandwidth (10+ MB/s),
> which by the way, depending on
the technology used, have little or no
> buffer at all, them prio will
generally do the job, even with p2p
> applications. Just don't forget
there are always nat involved so you
> need to prio packets all the way,
just as you should with hfsc. I find
> that using tags is the most
effective way to do so.
> Cheers,

Provably, it's not just the "most"
benefit from limiting uploads, it's the "only" benefit. Limiting inbound
traffic is pointless. 

By the time an inbound packet arrives at the
ethernet interface of your pfSense box, it's far too late to bother
policing it. 

The only time QoS actually does anything is when there is
resource contention. By definition, resource contention does not occur
on the receiving end - either you have the horsepower to receive and
process all the packets or you don't; adding extra CPU steps on every
received packet will not magically allow you to receive more data if
your system cannot handle the IRQ load or the bandwidth, or doesn't have
enough mbufs, or is otherwise underpowered. 

Where QoS does its magic
is when there is too little bandwidth (or too few timeslots) to egress a
packet *immediately*. If the interface is idle, a higher-priority packet
will be sent just as fast as the lower-priority packet. 

There are two
ways to influence the behaviour of a downstream device: tagging (whether
DSCP or 802.1p), and rate-limiting. 

If you know the next device in
stream (a DSL modem, say) can only upload at 768Kbit/sec, and you very
carefully only ever send it 750Kbits/sec of traffic, you remain in
control of what packets get sent out first. As soon as you start filling
its buffer (say, by allowing bursts of 10Mbit/sec traffic), the modem is
now in control of what packets to send first, and you typically have no
idea if it's obeying your 802.1p or DSCP markings. 

HFSC does a good
job of rate-limiting (the 2nd case) so that the dumber device never has
to make any decisions of its own. 

In the meantime, please stop
applying rate-limiting on inbound packets - it's pointless. If you have
a resource-constrained LAN or DMZ interface (e.g. 1Mbps WiFi or maybe
Bluetooth PAN, or maybe you have a 100Mbit internet connection but only
a 10Mbit LAN?) then the way to solve that is to apply QoS policies on
the outbound packets as they leave the router and enter the slower

Generally, QoS classification (i.e. tagging) should happen on
ingress, and policing (i.e. rate-limiting) should happen on egress. 

you don't agree with this, please 1) demonstrate that it does make a
difference, and then 2) let's figure out why setting QoS on ingress
makes a difference, because that violates... well... everything. The
theoretical basis for this today is pretty solid; I'm prepared to
believe there are implementation-specific exceptions, but they should
get rooted out and eliminated. 

The only general exception I'm aware of
currently is where an intermediate traffic plane cannot handle all the
ingress traffic flowing over it, in which case QoS more or less consists
of "selectively drop on ingress", not "rate-limit". This is bad
architecture. Even cheap switches are non-blocking inside the switch
fabric nowadays. However, this is why Cisco still documents QoS
rate-limiting *on ingress* for many of their large L2/L3 switching
platforms... (RED/WRED can be an example of this in some
This exception does not apply to any pf implementations
that I know of. 

The best explanation of this I've seen is in
O'Reilly's "Juniper MX Series" book, which spends a ridiculous amount of
time (4 chapters, IIRC) explaining how Juniper MX routers implement
queuing theory in hardware. 

I am aware that this message contains a
very shallow treatment of QoS theory, there are numerous edge cases
where complex policies on ingress are warranted; but if you're just
building a pf policy, setting inbound VoIP traffic to a high priority
does NOT magically make your upstream provider send you VoIP packets
with high priority - you don't control their behaviour from your local

-Adam Thompson

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