hmm, on Mon, May 26, 2014 at 04:46:04PM +0200, Otto Moerbeek said that
> Yes it does, in most cases. But the most important is to use large
> block and/or fragments sizes, if that is acceptable for your use (it
> wastes space if you have a lot of small files).
i meant to ask now for some time, what are (sensible) max
values?  can't find it in newfs(8), disklabel(8).

#                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
  a:        555913152               64  4.2BSD   8192 65536    1 

i dont have an excessively big partition (but big enough
for a veeery slow fsck with default newfs values) but it
holds only media files, so i dont think i need lots of inodes.
so i newfs-ed with -O 2 and big fsize/bsize. but i still have
too many inodes.  maybe 10x less inodes would suffice?

Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity iused   ifree  %iused  Mounted on
/dev/sd2a      263G    141G    122G    54%   64861 8730273     1%   /home/f/data

would these help in any way for media collections?

     -g avgfilesize
                 The expected average file size for the file system in bytes.

     -h avgfpdir
                 The expected average number of files per directory on the
                 file system.

$ sudo tunefs -N /dev/sd2a
tunefs: tuning /dev/sd2a
tunefs: current settings of /dev/sd2a
        maximum contiguous block count 1
        maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group 8192
        minimum percentage of free space 0%
        optimization preference: space
        average file size: 16384
        expected number of files per directory: 64
tunefs: no changes made

default average file size is rather conservative.
and totally untrue for the media collection :)

i am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

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