Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Please help me.

I install openbsd 5.5 i386 and qemu-1.7.0 from packages.

qemu-img create -f qcow2 /vm/qcow2.img 10G

qemu-system-i386 -name qcow2 -nodefaults -m 512 -hda /mnt/ qcow2.img 
-cdrom /obraz/install55.iso -net nic -net 
tap,ifname=tun1,script=no,downscript=no -boot once=d -display 
vnc= -monitor vc -vga cirrus

qemu-img create -f raw /vm/raw.img 10G

qemu-system-i386 -name raw -nodefaults -m 512 -hda /mnt/raw.img -cdrom 
/obraz/install55.iso -net nic -net 
tap,ifname=tun2,script=no,downscript=no -boot once=d -display 
vnc= -monitor vc -vga cirrus

QCOW2 works slower RAW, and RAW works slower host machine. I think that 
disc is the weakest link.

I try set -hda /dev/rwd3c (disk itself – not system(wd0)) – but nothing 

What I may do to work VM QEMU faster???

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