On 2014-05-15, dam...@thiriet.web4me.fr <dam...@thiriet.web4me.fr> wrote:

> Unfortunately, some (heavy) binaries I would need are not
> in mips64el,such as icedtea-web or conkeror, both needed
> to browse on-line libraries djvu.
> I think I should stick with FAQ suggestions of avoiding
> compilations and choose an amd64, but to be sure:
> How long would Yeelong compile heavy apps from ports
> like jdk?

If the packages are not available from ftp.openbsd.org, the most
likely reason is that they simply don't build on mips64el, so
compiling them yourself isn't an option.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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