Quoting Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org>:

On 2014-05-12, Steve Fairhead <st...@fivetrees.com> wrote:
Hi folks,

I'm aware that mod_dav has been removed from 5.5. I was supporting a
group of icalendar files under 5.3 with mod_dav. Do I have options for
doing the same (read/write access) under 5.5, maybe using a different
method or package? Or is there a way of using mod_dav, despite its
antiquity, on 5.5?

(Again I've searched with no success... I seem to be an edge case again...)


Either apache2 (www/apache-httpd) which has a maintained mod_dav,
or one of the other programs that can handle icalendar files
(possibly productivity/baikal?)

I think both productivity/davical and www/owncloud can handle
icalendar files as well.


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