> please, if you want to help, be MUCH more precise (and get clear on
> what side of the fork() we are). With a report like that I had to go
> through large parts of code to ecventually maybe spot what you are
> referring to. That doesn't help, that just costs time. I appreciate
> the effort, but please make it easier to consume for us :)

Sorry for the imprecise question.

I am reading src/usr.sbin/bgpd/rde.c (rev 1.328).
At line 234 (so in the child process), there is :

        if ((conf = calloc(1, sizeof(struct bgpd_config))) == NULL)

I can't find any free(conf) later in the code. From _exit(2) I don't
understand it can free allocated memory on itself. How is it handled ?

Thank you in advance,

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