Thanks for the support.

I changed the port from 2222 to 2224.  Now it works. This PF box is behind
a ADSL router. I assume this ADSL router has reserved port 2222 . I have no
access to this ADSL router.

These are the rules.

pass in log on $wan_if inet proto tcp from any to $wan_if port 2224 \
   rdr-to $webserver port 22 synproxy state

pass out log on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to $webserver port 22
modulate state

> sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding

I have already set it to = 1

Thanks for the below rules

> Using:
> match in on $wan_if proto tcp to ($wan_if) port 2222 rdr-to \
>         $webserver port ssh
> and
> pass in on $wan_if proto tcp to ($wan_if) port 2222 flags S/SA synproxy
> state
> work for me on:
> OpenBSD 5.4 GENERIC.MP#44 i386
> If the above does not help run tcpdump on both interfaces and see what is
> / is not being passed...
> hth
> Fred
> Not sure but what does:

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya   -  Download Sinhala

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