On Wed 30/04, Mihai Popescu wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running a very recent snapshot and I want to try Firefox again (now at
> version -28.0p0). It seems that I get some unresponsive behaviour, like
> intermitent scrolling, long delays for content rendering, etc. I must say
> that I had no crash whatsoever. I am using Openbox as a window manager. I
> have no plugins or extension installed in Firefox.

Well, Firefox is undoubtedly the slowest piece of software I'm using
with OpenBSD.

I tried some tweaks (googling around you'll find plenty of discussion
related to this point), but none of them really effective.

I partially tackled the slow scrolling disabling the "smooth scrolling"
(Preferences -> Advanced) and reducing the keyboard repetition rate:

xset r rate 660 10

(the latter can help also with other applications which ofter redraw
the whole screen, e.g. Vim when cursorline is set).

My few cents

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