On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS <
just22....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Folks,
> still unclear after reading the hier man page where is the most suitable
> node for a NFS server export directory.

as far as I know there's no standard for this.  I have been using /nfs, in
a vaguely similar way to how /afs is used for AFS, but only because I
dedicate a filesystem to NFS when I use it (and mount that filesystem as

when it is practical to do so, I use /nfs for both the server side and the
client side -- on the server I have an /nfs filesystem which may contain an
exported directory /nfs/foo, and on the client side I either have another
/nfs filesystem (if it's a peer server with exports of its own) or an /nfs
folder in the root filesystem (for a client-only machine); in either case
/nfs then contains an /nfs/foo mount point.  in this way the absolute
pathname to the 'foo' volume is always the same regardless of whether
you're on the client or server.


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