It's Advertised as an EP-N8508.
It is most likely a rebrand, which uses the rtl8188cus (very low cost chip)
This should be supported by the urtwn driver.
Just need to recognize the USB device number.
In this case it's idVendor 0x148f idProduct 0x7601.
This makes me wonder, if there is a method to test this without
recompiling the kernel.
With config(8) maybe?
- Ben
On 04/20/14 16:35, Alan Corey wrote:
I didn't buy Ralink on purpose. I've had issues with other products
from them and generally prefer Atheros.
If you want, I'll stick it back in its padded envelope and send it to
you to experiment on. I think I'd like it back someday but if it won't
work under OpenBSD it's useless. I hope to know by tomorrow if it
works under FreeBSD 10 on my Raspberry Pi but otherwise I could only
use it under Windows. Email me a snail mail address if you want it.
On 4/20/14, Stefan Sperling <> wrote:
On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 10:23:06PM -0400, Alan Corey wrote:
So it does need a different driver, it's not just a matter of tweaking
a device ID somewhere?
Looking closer, it seems to be a run(4) variant.
At least the vendor driver groups it with other run(4) devices.
That doesn't mean it will work without modifications, though.
It seems to need a different firmware at least. Whether or not
it is backwards compatible to older devices is hard to tell
without spending a lot of time digging around in the vendor
sources... But there are other run devices we don't yet support
without code changes: