Moss, hello.

On 2014 Apr 16, at 14:17, Maurice McCarthy <> 

> Ah so your ethernet is now working then! Yes? If so then good. I'd thought 
> that one problem was that you could not connect to the internet using the 
> netbook. The install script does download any firmware it finds necessary 
> but, of course, if you needed to install ethernet firmware to do that then 
> there is a self-defeating loop.  Maybe your Macbook has the same card?

I was having difficulty connecting initially, because of the choice/lack of 
drivers on the floppy5x.fs images (if I recall correctly).  Booting the install 
CD on the MacMini meant that I was able to create a bootable flash disk with a 
full install, which, in particular, did have drivers enough to support the 
ethernet interface at least.  At that point, I didn't need a network at all, 
because the flash drive had the install sets on it, too, but it was necessary 
for installing packages later.

I believe that this netbook's wireless interface is incompletely supported by 
OpenBSD, but I've deliberately left that unconfigured in any case. I want this 
to be 'the secure laptop', so if the ethernet cable's not plugged in, then I 
can be confident it's not on a network at all.  I had vague plans to install it 
completely air-gapped, but that's more trouble than it's worth in my situation 
-- that would be for drill rather than need.

I remember noticing that the MacMini seemed to have the same ethernet card 
manufacturer as the netbook, but that wasn't my principal concern at that 
point, so I can't be sure.

All the best,


Norman Gray  :
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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