John Jasen <> writes:

> As a quick sanity check, the ftp-proxy daemon in OpenBSD 5.4 through
> -current does NOT listen on IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously?

As documented.

> In order to support FTP over IPv4 and IPv6, two running ftp-proxy
> daemons would be required, one with the -6 flag?

Yup.  Well, if you need ftp-proxy in the first place.  Are you sure you
need FTP btw? :)

> If so, I do not see an immediate way to fire two ftp-proxy instances in
> rc.conf.* -- would one of them have to be triggered from rc.local? Or is
> there a cleaner way?

They can't be started by the same, unmodified rc.d/ftpproxy script*.
I'd start both from rc.local to prevent confusion.

* if it had to be integrated with rc.d(8), that would mean adding
  a ftpproxy6 script, hooking it in /etc/rc and adding a -4 flag to
  ftpproxy so that the daemons command lines differ properly for rc.d(8)
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