On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 2:48 AM, Zeljko Jovanovic <
zelj...@tesla.rcub.bg.ac.rs> wrote:

> On 09.04.2014. 18:24, Fil Di Noto wrote:
>> Is there any hope of OpenBSD running on IBM Power hardware (System P,
>> LPAR) in the future?
> ...
>  OS on that hardware without cooperation from IBM? I don't see any
>> Linux distros that do not have a relationship with IBM that run on
>> Power.
> Slackware Linux has an IBM port, although it has not been updated for
> several years now: http://www.slack390.org
> I am not sure what are the differences between largest IBM machines
> (System Z, formerly known as System/390), and smaller systems such as
> System P. But I am sure that Slackware project certainly does not have a
> relationship with any company.
> By the way, as you probably know, Slackware is the oldest surviving Linux
> distribution, and adversises as the most "UNIX-like" among Linuxes. Also,
> its /etc layout is of BSD type, not System V like in other Linux
> distribution. The overall "look and feel" after instalation is similar to
> OpenBSD. Even the BSD games packages, with fortune program enabled by
> default is there. :)

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