On 11 April 2014 11:15, Jan Stary <h...@stare.cz> wrote:
> On Apr 11 11:46:12, openbsd.as.a.desk...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> -----------------------------
>> 1)
>> If I search for "openbsdfoundation" on:
>> - Facebook
>> - Twitter
>> - Youtube
>> - Instagram
>> - Flickr
>> - Slideshare
>> - etc..
>> I get ZERO results regarding the topic.
> If I search for "openbsdfoundation" on Google,
> I get the right thing as the first hit.
>> We are writing 2014.
>> The people are on "social sites"..
>> More could be reached if these mentioned sites would have marketing for the
>> foundation too.
> Ah, so there are people willing to donate to OpenBSD,
> but they don't even know about it, as it is only
> to be found on Google, right?
> That's bullshit. But if you really think so, go ahead:
> set yourself up on all those sites and make OpenBSD visible.
>> -----------------------------
>> 2)
>> If I go to:
>> http://www.openbsdfoundation.org
>> I just can't see any page on the website that has logos, html codes (that
>> can be CTRL+C'ed simply), what can people put out on their blogs,
> You mean, such as "www.openbsdfoundation.org"?

I must be dense. I fire up lynx(1) with 'www.openbsdfoundation.org'
and once the page has loaded, I type CTRL+C. I get "Exiting via
interrupt: 2". Seems pretty simple already and does not appear to rely
on adding any pages. Of course it also seems kinda pointless.

.... Ken

>> webpages
>> (openbsdfoundation logo/donate/etc. - a little picture that is an URL to
>> the foundations website - donations.html page), so that their visitors can
>> see that there is a good project waiting for foundations.
> Dear search engines (twitter etc), please spread this:
> <a href="http://www.openbsdfoundation.org/donations.html";><img
> src="kitten.gif">a good project waiting for foundations</a>
> (Now let's wait for the money pouring in.)

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