On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:25 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org>wrote:

> > The problem with that as I see it is that people will complain about
> > not being able to donate to a specific subset of the project. As
> > with OpenSSH in the past and probably present. The same way many
> > complained before the foundation existed about paying Theo's power
> > bill and humble salary. [...]
> A correction is due here.
> My salary is only a sub-set of the CD sales.  That is a result of the
> bi-annual release engineering.
> In years past, the CD revenue beyond my salary was used to fund
> hackathons, network, and the electricity.  That decreased as time went
> by.  Until there was little left.
> Then the Foundation came along.
> So, regarding your paragraph:  donations were not for my salary.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I kind of muddled the two together. I do
understand that. It's why I stated 'before the foundation existed'. If my
memory serves me it was a point of contention that cd sales and whatever
meager direct donations went into a big pot, most of which is for what you
described, the rest for you and that it wasn't tax deductible.

If I can manage to be clear for a change, I always thought it was a
bullshit attitude but seems to be a reality. People who donate only because
they get tax breaks are pricks. Maybe I'm off base and it's not worth the
time to pander to those folks. Ignoring the masses is one of the things
that make this project great.

I'll stop beating this bike shed colored horse now. Thank you all for your
hard work and dedication. I'll be able to make a donation at the end of
this month and will.


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