Hum, maybe too quick.

I can't type anything in the shell, it's always blank ;(

Best regards,

From: Stuart Henderson []
To: Alexis Vachette []
Sent: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 22:12:46 +0100
Subject: Re: APU firmware

On 2014/04/05 22:04, Alexis Vachette wrote:
  > Thank you for the tips Stuart.
  > It's mandatory to use the same speed ?

  Well, not mandatory, but it's a lot easier, otherwise you will have to
  change the speed of your serial terminal, e.g. if you're in cu(1) you
  can type ~S and choose the new speed.

  If the speed doesn't match, you will either get junk on the screen,
  or see nothing at all.

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