On 4/4/14, Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The original poster has already be pointed to the POSIX spec and had
> it explained that OpenBSD won't be changing this behavior as long as
> it's in POSIX.

I didn't ask OpenBSD for code. OpenBSD management seems defensive,
perhaps paranoid, that everyone is a beggar demanding code. Relax. I
can make the changes I need.

If I publish them or not, depends on whether anyone else is
interested. That's why I posted, to see if anyone else is interested.
Whether it's in POSIX, or not, is beside the point. There many BSD
extensions, of all kinds, not in POSIX.

> At this point, there's nothing OpenBSD-related left: *productive*
> discussion of changing the behavior should be on the austin-group
> (i.e, POSIX) mailing list

The Austin group won't care until someone has a working implementation.

It can be done by overloading VERASE (ignored in raw mode). Its value
could be treated as bit flags that change the semantics of VTIME.

But if there is little or no interest here, I will look elsewhere.

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