Couldn't agree more! :)

Sent from my iPhone

> On 29 Mar 2014, at 09:10, Eric Oyen <> wrote:
> geez! there are better technologies out here. SUre, if a technology works for 
> 20 years, then go with it. However, there are loads faster ways (and a lot 
> more secure too). Why not use bit torrent? Its fast, reliable and really only 
> needs a half dozen seeds at various places across the net . THe problem with 
> FTP is that you can have only so many connections before the bandwidth the 
> host uses gets jammed. It also doesn't have very good resume functionality. 
> If the guys at OpenBSD decide to change technologies, thats their choice. 
> Besides, I would rather be able to get the distribution and ports trees at my 
> full internet connection, not some slower speed limited by old technology. 
> So, when are the rest of you lot going to get with the 21st century?
> -eric
>> On Mar 29, 2014, at 1:47 AM, Craig R. Skinner wrote:
>>> On 2014-03-26 Wed 16:06 PM |, Craig R. Skinner wrote:
>>>> On 2014-03-25 Tue 18:34 PM |, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>>>> The 5.5 release will support FTP releases, but after that we are
>>>> disabling FTP and thus pushing people to use HTTP installs.
>>>> In this day and age, it is somewhat irresponsible for us to put
>>>> people into a situation where they might install new FTP servers on
>>>> the internet.  We've known it is a dangerous protocol for over 20
>>>> years.  Use a HTTP server to serve the sets, please.
>>> Would these pages summarise it?
>> Eventually, will base ftpd be removed?
>> e.g: telnetd, rshd, uucpd, rmail,...

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