
And that's why I cannot use ffmpeg directly. Part of what I am doing is 
bringing a certain
x264 benchmark onto a wide variety of systems, and to do that properly, I would 
need to
use the exact same options for comparisons sake. After managing, proper 
documentation is
being provided online.

Also, that way the same benchmarking script can be provided to users as-is.

Maybe these days the options I've been using can be mapped to ffmpeg 100%, I 
checked that out yet.

I will however try what Mr. Henderson said and set my include/library paths to
/usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib, just like I needed to do for GNU 
binutils 2.24 too,
and then attempt to link x264 against OpenBSDs ffmpeg package again. But I 
doubt it'll
work, as the x264 configure/build scripts do check /usr/local/ by default. But 
I can try.

Besides, being stubborn and trying to get this to work "my" way at all costs 
made me learn
a bunch of stuff about OpenBSD (and other systems too) along the way, and that 
can't be
a bad thing, right? ;)


On 03/27/2014 10:47 PM, Arnaud Bergeron wrote:
Since ffmpeg is linked against x264 you could just use it to read and
encode stuff to mp4. There is a guide[1] about how to do 2 pass, use
presets and the rest.  You can also use -x264opts to pass options directly
to libx264 (but it doesn't support everything).

[1] https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/x264EncodingGuide

2014-03-27 4:17 GMT-04:00 Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org>:

On 2014-03-26, Michael Lackner <michael.lack...@unileoben.ac.at> wrote:
As for the other posts: Installing ffmpeg as a package can be done, but
x264 would refuse
to link against it.

Could that be something as simple as needing to include  -L/usr/local/lib
in LDFLAGS when configuring x264?

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