* Maxim Khitrov <m...@mxcrypt.com> [2013-12-22 18:44]:
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Maxim Khitrov <m...@mxcrypt.com> wrote:
> > I was under the impression that the packet priority was always set to
> > 3 prior to the pf ruleset evaluation (ignoring VLAN and CARP for a
> > moment), and that 'set prio' on an inbound rule only affected
> > returning traffic that matched the state entry. Here's an artificial
> > example:
> >
> > pass out on $wan
> > pass in on $lan set prio 7
> >
> > What will be the priority of outbound packets on the $wan interface, 3
> > or 7? Looking at the code in pf.c, the priority is copied to
> > m->m_pkthdr.pf.prio, but I'm not sure where this value is initialized
> > or reset.
> I think I figured this out, but I would appreciate a confirmation. The
> m_pkthdr.pf.prio value is set to IFQ_DEFPRIO (3) in
> sys/kern/uipc_mbuf.c when a new mbuf is allocated. It is not modified
> after that except by pf rules. Therefore, packets going out on $wan in
> my example will have their priority set to 7. Essentially, priorities
> behave the same as tags.
> The difference is that priorities are saved in the state entries, so
> all subsequent packets coming in on $lan and matching an existing
> state will have a priority of 7 when going out on $wan. Returning
> packets will keep a default priority of 3 after crossing $wan, but
> this will be changed to 7 when they match the state outbound on $lan.
> Correct?

pretty much, there are a few cases (liek carp announcements) that get
a higher priority by default.

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services GmbH, http://bsws.de, Full-Service ISP
Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services. Dedicated Servers, Root to Fully Managed
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