> On 13 March 2014 00:23, Maurice McCarthy wrote:
>> On the typo http://www.openbsd.org/faq//faq1.html an extra "faq/" is placed 
>> ...
>> where it should not be.
> It isn't really *placed*.
> If you look at the HTML source, you'll see that the links that (only)
> *seem* to be "acting up" in connection with the mistyped URL are just
> ordinary relative links; e.g.:
> | Our
> | <a href="../goals.html">goals</a> place emphasis on correctness,
> | <a href="../security.html">security</a>, standardization, and
> | <a href="../plat.html">portability</a>.

OK, Thanks for the explanation.

FWIW my browser was Google Chrome Portable (Version 33.0.1750.149) on Windows 7.


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