On 03/08/2014 10:17 PM, Nick Holland wrote:
> On 03/08/14 09:26, Chris Bennett wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 08, 2014 at 09:06:54AM -0500, Nick Holland wrote:
>>> On 03/08/14 08:51, Chris Bennett wrote:
>>>> As of this update, I have had these two portions of the screen move off
>>>> of visible area.
>>> "this update" ... from what?
>>> I'm going to assume from a pre-radeondrm version.
>> Yes, from quite a while back.
>> Only get internet here now through my new smartphone.
>>>> +------------------------+
>>>> | |                      |
>>>> | |                      |
>>>> | |    text console      |
>>>> | |                      |
>>>> | |                      |
>>>> | |                      |
>>>> | |                      |
>>>> | |                      |
>>>> +-|----------------------+
>>>> +------------------------+
>>>> Everything else is working fine.
>>>> Chris Bennett
>>> Radeon DRM...looks like a desktop, so I'm guessing you have a VGA
>>> connected LCD monitor.
>> No, HDMI
>>> note the amount of guessing I'm doing here.
>>> radeondrm runs the video in a graphics mode it didn't used to run in, so
>>> you will probably have to re-adjust your monitor.  Fill the screen
>>> ("top" might do it sufficiently), and hit the "auto adjust" button,
>>> tweek if needed with the manual adjustments.
>> It is a TV that accepts VGA, HDMI, etc.
>> There are no "tweek" adjustments.
> oof.  I got one of those, an old Dell thing.  Accepts lots of things,
> does none of them well, it seems.  I'm still thinking you have a monitor
> problem more than a computer problem, though certainly not supposed to
> happen with DVI.  'course, I've had that discussion with my old Dell
> thing, and it was wholly unimpressed with my logic.
> Is your monitor really 1920x1080?  that's what radeondrm thinks it is.
> That's kinda what my bluray player thought of my monitor, come to think
> of it (it isn't), which is also shifted off to one side, iirc.
>> I only use this console for sysmerge, but that would now be very
>> difficult to use, since I couldn't see the options.
>> Chris
> ok, sounds like you have painful connectivity and a cranky monitor (or a
> video combination with a bug), so for the moment, I'd suggest just
> disabling the radeondrm driver via ukc>, and it will revert to the old
> style text mode, which will probably work Just Fine for you.
> boot> boot -c
> bla bla bla
> ukc> disable radeondrm
> *nnn radeondrm disabled
> ukc> quit
> [happy (hopefully) boot]
> IF you have another monitor of any kind of any attachment, I'd like to
> verify your problem persists with it or goes away (without the UKC hack,
> of course)
> Nick.
This is a common problem, even with DVI. If the monitor and
video card/driver/whatever disagree about when the blanking
intervals start or end, stuff will be chopped off one side
or top/bottom of the display.

Usually, with 24x80 text, only one character is chopped off
the left side. If the characters are smaller, one can lose
so many that the console is useless.

Using something other than 24x80 as the default before the
system setup is complete is a harmful regression.

Geoff Steckel

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