On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 11:05:11PM -0600, Amit Kulkarni wrote:
> > If PF information is needed, I can provide and obscure, but I didn't
> > expect it to be
> > the issue.
> >
> i am no expert on this. but if it is a packet loss issue, you need to post
> the obscured pf.conf

Fair point.  I've not seen any related dropped packets due to PF with
tcpdump -nei pflog0, so I didn't think it would be related to PF.

Not line-wrapped for readability.

match out on em0 from ! (em0:network) to any nat-to (em0:0)
block drop in log all
pass out all flags S/SA
pass out on em0 proto tcp all flags S/SA modulate state
pass in proto icmp from <routed_networks> to <routed_networks>
pass in proto ipv6-icmp from <routed_networks> to <routed_networks>
pass in from <routed_networks> to ! <routed_networks> flags S/SA
pass in from <routed_networks> to any flags S/SA
pass in proto udp from <routed_networks> to <dns_servers> port = 53
pass out on em0 proto udp all
pass out on em0 proto icmp all
pass on em0 inet proto carp all
pass on em0 proto icmp from any to (em0:network)
pass on em1 inet proto pfsync all
pass in on em0 inet proto udp from to port = 500
pass in on em0 inet proto udp from to port = 4500
pass in on em0 inet proto esp from to
pass in on enc0 inet proto ipencap from to keep state 
pass out on em0 inet proto udp from to port = 500
pass out on em0 inet proto udp from to port = 4500
pass out on em0 inet proto esp from to
pass out on enc0 inet proto ipencap from to keep state 
pass out on enc0 inet from to <pdx_nets> flags S/SA keep state 
pass out on enc0 from <opdx_nets> to <pdx_nets> flags S/SA keep state (if-bound)
pass in on enc0 from <pdx_nets> to <opdx_nets> flags S/SA keep state (if-bound)
pass in on enc0 inet from to <opdx_nets> flags S/SA keep state 
pass in on em0 inet proto tcp from to any port = 22 flags S/SA
pass in on em0 inet proto tcp from to port = 500 flags S/SA

This morning as a test, I've disabled isakmpd sync feature, and shutdown
sasycnd on all firewalls, as well as isakmpd on the secondaries at each
location and the connection seems to be much improved.  I've not lost
any connections in the last 4 hours which is much improved.

Not sure if sasyncd is actually causing the issue, but disabling it
to gain an improved connections certainly doesn't seem great from an HA

I've also got a couple static routes in the inet table that point the
remote network to the internal carp address for routing purposes.  This
allows the traffic generated by the secondary firewall to reach the
remote network due to the fact that the secondary does not hold the
master status of the carp, and therfore can't use the IPSec directly.

I do wonder though, since I also have a flow for the same network, the
encap and inet routing table have a route for the same network.  Which
takes priority?  Just something to point out since it could be causing



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