2014-02-16 23:36 GMT+01:00 Frank Brodbeck <f...@guug.de>:
> I am not sure what point it is you are trying to make but:
> $ LD_PRELOAD=./id0 sh
> \u@\h:\w\n$ id -un
> root
> \u@\h:\w\n$ less /etc/master.passwd
> /etc/master.passwd: Permission denied
> \u@\h:\w\n$ ls -l /etc/master.passwd
> -rw-------  1 root  wheel  3984 Feb  5 22:44 /etc/master.passwd
> \u@\h:\w\n$


Nothing (it's safe to self-test, so have fun). id (or whoami) think
that calls functions from libc, but it really calls functions that are
loaded by LD_PRELOAD. These fake functions return 0, so id (whoami)
think that you are root.

This means that you don't have root access (or uid 0), but id (whoami)
think that you are root (uid 0). If you put something more dangerous
in a function such as readpassphrase(), you can e.g. capture the
passwords etc. This example shows that using LD_PRELOAD you can inject
your own code on OpenBSD.

I hope that now it is more understandable.


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