Just thought of a funny way to promote some OpenBSD merchandise sales.  

This is just for followers of the bitcoin roller coaster.

Tell me to get lost if it's too dumb an idea, or something too crass and 
commercial, and so unrelated to OpenBSD core values, that I shouldn't ever 
clutter up the mailing list with, but for the moment, here it is:

Lots of people have bitcoin stuck at MtGox because they can't transfer it 
to an external wallet, during the current problems they are having.

However Computer Shop can accept MtGox bitcoin into it's wallet there 
because transfers within MtGox are being allowed.  Usually we only take 
bitcoin into Coinbase, but we could make an exception for up to half the 
value of any purchase -- but at the value of bitcoin at Coinbase -- which 
is about double that of it's value on the MtGox exchange these days.  
Buyers would get value at outside rate for bitcoin otherwise stuck there.

If MtGox bitcoin turns out to be worthless, then OK so it's a wash, 
roughly break even for the project, but at least we get to rotate some 
stock -- maybe restock a supply of medium T-shirts that we are low on, or 
something, plus more OpenBSD CDs and publicity gets out there, which can't 

If MtGox fixes their problem, well then it's probably a more or less 
normal transaction in the long run.

So for the time being, any method of payment combined with 1/2 MtGox 
bitcoin, valued at the Coinbase rate, will be accepted.  When submitting 
an order, just check off "pre-arranged" and make mention of this in the 
comments of the order.  We'll come back with the arrangements.
Probably best not to encumber the list with lots of cross talk unless you 
feel it is in the public interest.  Just email me with questions or 


Austin Hook 
OpenBSD Central Distribution
Computer Shop of Calgary



PS: We could also pass on donations to Theo in this way.  In cash of 
course -- he is a great skeptic of Bitcoin, last I heard.  We will let you 
know what your effective donation turns out to be once we hold it long 
enough to get it out of MtGox.   Maybe it will be worth nothing, but then 
nothing lost.  Maybe it will be worth 10 times as much by then, in which 
case all is sweet.  We will try to get it out of MtGox as soon as they 
re-establish regular trade, or whatever method seems best in due time.

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