On February 9, 2014 at 6:36 PM Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 1:58 PM, d...@genunix.com <d...@genunix.com> wrote: > > First thing I see is that it was so very easy to install. I was almost > > expecting to need to curse and recurse but the install was trivial. I > > kept a log of the whole process in case something went wrong but nope, > > it is just a nice simple log. > > Thank you! We strive to make our installer as clean and simple to use > as possible.
Just a quick comment, I will say that I did try to install Debian stable on this same server and the process was painful. In that once the install was done I had a server that would load a kernel and begin to boot, then panic and halt. Repeatedly. It never booted once. https://lists.debian.org/debian-sparc/2014/02/msg00000.html So I then figured this was karma whispering into my ear that UNIX is what I know ( Solaris ) and so, stay there. That explains why I looked to OpenBSD and also because I knew SSH would "just work"(tm) as well as security. I will say that this mail list rocks. People are right on top of things and I was just really amazed, seriously whip lash induced speed reaction amazed at how fast people replied to me. I figure that over time I will get a bigger faster server in the datacenter and then make it permanent. Probably with some sort of raid or hardware mirror config and fibre based storage. I am going out on a limb here but is there fairly excellent support for QLogic or Emulex fibre controllers? dc