On 2/3/14, Giancarlo Razzolini <grazzol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Em 02-02-2014 20:04, Jason Barbier escreveu:
>> On 02/02/14 11:45, Chris Cappuccio wrote:
>>> Christian Weisgerber [na...@mips.inka.de] wrote:
>>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/csec-used-airport-wi-fi-to-track-canadian-travellers-edward-snowden-documents-1.2517881
>>>> If you didn't know already, this is your cue to look up ifconfig(8)'s
>>>> "lladdr random".
>>> And when you visit the US, Canada, or a number of other countries, the
>>> NSA has keeps record of every control and text message sent or
>>> received by
>>> your cellular phone. You know, things like your location and who you are
>>> calling. They aren't quite watching you, it's more like, they're
>>> sleeping
>>> with you :)
>> Think it would be inappropriate to ask them for dinner since they are
>> so far up my bisness?
> The truth is that any nerd with a decent hardware can do what was done
> in this specific case. Tracking people with wifi? It can be done with a
> laptop. It would be nice to have an agent to take me out for dinner. But
> I believe that we would run out of topics to talk about very quickly,
> since they already know so much about me.

why? you could have them show you how they did this using
just a laptop: accessing wifi hotspots starting from the
airport, to hotels, restaurants and cafe's across town
cataloging and cross-referencing all the data.. err...meta-
data. all allegedly without help from or knowledge of the
hotspot operator. could make a nifty youtube DIY vid.

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