2014/1/26 Jiri B <ji...@devio.us>:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to understand why there's no PF state for a outgoing
> rule dedicated to dnscrypt-proxy (668) daemon.
> pf.conf says 'user' option needs effective ID...
> # ps -axo uid,ruid,gid,rgid,pid,args | grep dnscrypt
>   688   688   688   688 16665 /usr/local/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy -d 
> --local-address= --user=_dnscrypt-proxy
> # pfctl -sr
> block drop out log quick on egress from ! (egress:0) to any
> anchor "test-out" all
> pass out log quick on egress inet proto udp from any to port = 
> 443 user = 688
> pass out log quick on egress inet proto tcp from any to port = 
> 443 user = 688 flags S/SA
> pass out log quick on egress inet proto icmp all icmp-type echoreq
> block drop in log quick from no-route to any
> block drop in log quick from urpf-failed to any
> block drop out log quick all
> block drop in log quick on egress inet from any to
> anchor "test-in" all
> pass in log quick on egress inet proto icmp from any to (egress:0) icmp-type 
> echoreq code 0
> pass in log quick on egress inet proto tcp from any to (egress:0) port = 22 
> flags S/SA
> block drop in log quick all
> Now when dnscrypt-proxy tries to make a connection it is blocked.
> Interestingly there's even no logged outgoing connection, but just
> blocked return.
> # tcpdump -i pflog0 -n -e -ttt -vv
> tcpdump: WARNING: snaplen raised from 116 to 160
> tcpdump: listening on pflog0, link-type PFLOG
> Jan 26 00:41:00.884036 rule 7/(match) [uid 0, pid 23524] block out on iwn0: 
> [uid 0, pid 16665] > udp 512 (ttl 64, 
> id 9876, len 540, bad cksum 208! differs by e108)
> (from anchor)
> # pfctl -ss
> Well it works if I add dnscrypt-proxy rule for root but why?

Because the socket (hint: <1024) was opened with root rights, and
therefore the uid=0 was saved there.

  Vadim Zhukov

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