MJ said:
> Again, and I really need to highlight this: when the project comes to
> the position that it is asking for money or die, then the project is
> also in a requirement to provide financial transparency.

You appear to see no difference between donation and investment. OpenBSD
is asking for donations - financial support for things they already do
and are expected to do in future. They don't promise anything beyond the
stuff they normally deliver - sane Unix-like BSD-flavored operating
system, so there's quite enough of transparency: they did it for nearly
20 years and everyone may inspect the progress with per-commit

I would also note that it could possibly make sense for some corporate
sponsor to ask for some level of financial disclosure in case of some
big donation, but that's not the case here: the people who ask for it
are not the people who are going to donate anything. (Of course unless
you really believe that a person behind single-purpose account asking
trollish questions is really considering donating the money he doesn't
even quantify.)

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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